15 October 2008
where do the hours go?
i am taking a little break from the blogging in order to get ready to leave town on saturday. i have about a million and a half things to do and hardly any time to do them all. i will be back next week with some pictures and other details of the upcoming nuptial event, until then have you checked out paper n stich? oh my i think i have a new crush.
general counsel,
paper goods
13 October 2008
in celebration of columbus day!
honestly i don't remember the last time i even knew it was columbus day, but today mas has the day off and i am going to try and stay away from my computer ... at least for a little bit. we have some wedding stuff to take care of, like having his tux tailored (he finally found the perfect one at john varvatos and it is PERFECT) and then i have a truck load of projects arriving at my door today so i am going to be up to my eyeballs in paper. i love mondays like this.
general counsel
11 October 2008
ivana helsinki

i love this scarf by the finnish company ivana helsinki. available at belkina. and the rest of their clothing, well i love it too, but it is a bit harder to find.

10 October 2008
have a fabulous weekend.
i am off to enjoy my last weekend at home before the wedding! this time next week i will be frantically throwing everything i own into a suitcase and getting ready to head to the south. i cannot tell you how excited i am for the crisp weather, fall leaves, family time and the thought of being a wife - oh my. i guess the countdown has officially started. i hope everyone does something quite fun and fall like this weekend.
general counsel
the kind of day it isn't
i love la dee da days. you know the kind where you can from project to project at a leisurely pace? well i guess it is the ever closer wedding that makes me feel as though i have a million things to do, making today an anti - la dee da day. but i am ok with that. in fact i am on a roll. i love being this busy and actually having the time to sit down and do the work. i have no errands or meetings today. it is just me and my computer. how lovely.
general counsel,
paper goods
have i mentioned before ...
that i like pretty and white and lacey things? well i do, i just can't help it. i also like decals.
general counsel
09 October 2008
listen to me rant (because it is so much fun)
i woke up this morning, grabbed my coffee and sat down at my computer to race through some emails before i headed to my day of meetings. shockingly there wasn't a single email in my inbox. i don't get an insane amount of email, but someone always wants to sell me something around 4 in the morning so i found it odd. i called mas and had him send me an email. alas it didn't make it. and now the fun begins.
for the past hour and a half i have been trying to talk tech support people into fixing whatever issues they are having but no such luck. at this point i am supposed to wait until they can get their sh*t together and eventually my emails will begin to "trickle" in. i am sorry if i owe you an email, i am hoping to be up and running again soon. if you have sent me something and have not received a response, would you mind sending that something again to aninvitationstudio{at}gmail{dot}com?
ok sorry for the abundance of negative words. i am off for a couple of meetings and a dress fitting "). goodness this wedding is SOON!
general counsel
08 October 2008
for the boys
i think mas might need this, or do i need him to need this because i love it SO much? i don't know but am willing to find out.
paris fashion week + invitations
i am hoping wedding invitations start moving in this direction ...
i can't say i have ever even attempted any pop up anything but i am up for the challenge. click here for the accompanying article and a video of the mcqueen invite.
i can't say i have ever even attempted any pop up anything but i am up for the challenge. click here for the accompanying article and a video of the mcqueen invite.
paper goods
caroline swift

i don't typically like to post about anything from design*sponge because everyone reads grace's lovely blog, but seriously i just couldn't help myself. how wonderful is this work? those bone china spoons, oh my ... the black ceramic flowers, yes please .... and a warm hello to the cashmere sweater. all by a most amazing woman, caroline swift.

07 October 2008
clever people
i'm kinda liking these roller coasters by words, inc. available here. too bad i seem to have a nasty aversion to coasters. for some reason i would just rather clean up those rings of moisture left of the table ...

paper goods,
just lovely

general counsel
06 October 2008
oh my ...

the day has passed with lightning speed. it was a wretched night which started with several wakings by frances who still isn't feeling well and a very early alarm. i am exhausted and so incredibly busy i can't believe it. i will be back tomorrow with some goodies but for now i must head back to my little cubby and get to work.
on the brighter side the weather here is wonderful ... for a summer day that is.
general counsel
05 October 2008
pretty and white and lacey

i love most things pretty and white and lacey. plus my heart just flutters for almost anything blind stamped.
paper goods
03 October 2008

yes i know the cards are wonderful, but can we talk about the packaging for a second? i love these boxes! they are filled with letterpress cards, from orange beautiful, just waiting to be opened ... or maybe kept shut? available here.

paper goods
please someone buy this!

and then send me pictures of you wearing it. i love this dress, and would grab it in a heart beat if i thought i might be able to fit into it. available in the neringaci etsy shop found on perfect bound.
general counsel,
02 October 2008
i may be crazy but,
i have always wanted to have scented candles around my ceremony and reception. i don't know where the idea came from, and maybe it is my insane sensitivity to all things smelly, but i am going to purchase these for the bathrooms and tents. have i lost it? i mean really?
bride guilt
i love invitations

and i am LOVING this one from the friends of the lovely blogger behind beautiful paper. the invitation is so personal and wonderful you must click over to see the rest of the group.
custom invitations
crazy calendars
goodness they are everywhere these days. i guess that means the holidays are upon us. but it is only october! i do wish i could postpone the winter holiday bonanza until thanksgiving is over ...

back to calendars. this one is my favorite so far. i originally spotted it here, but it is available here.

back to calendars. this one is my favorite so far. i originally spotted it here, but it is available here.
paper goods
01 October 2008
field of dreams
how wonderful would it be to approach a seemingly empty field only to turn the bend and see this?
out there
clever campaining
i am hands down impressed with all of the campaign art that is floating around these days. i love the approach that the obama campaign is taking and then there are all of the extras popping up from creatives all over ...
obama pin set available here and found on lovely morning.

general counsel
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