mas and i are moving. there i said it. we will no longer (at least for the time being) be residents of the west coast. in 13 days we will be putting the press in the prius (at least i think so) and heading east ... far east ... like east coast east. well southern east coast ... as in north carolina ... as in
fayetteville, north carolina.
we are moving for his job, which we knew was coming, but only found out about two weeks ago that it would be so soon (we had our bets waged on the summertime). so, needless to say we have been a bit crazy as of late. but things are looking up ... mas now has his number one dream job, and i finally had to hire someone to help out ... who turns out is the loveliest of ladies. she will go by ajb, you will meet her, and you will like her, i just know it.
so for the next week and a half i'm going to devote my blog to a bit of what i will miss, and then a bit of what i am looking forward to, maybe most of which will be my monthly trips back to ca ... bi-coastal kind of? that sounds so fancy. well that and bbq i am so looking forward to the bbq. frances also enjoys the idea of being within 5 hours of her grandparents, she loves them, maybe the best.
{picture of an animatronic 2/3 size wolly mammoth and then actual size skeleton taken on my most fun jaunt with
esb this past weekend}