01 February 2012

bread, the making of.

about once a month mas and i have THE talk.

you know, the one that goes like this :

m - oh, warm bread, YUM.
c - i know, isn't it the best?
m - yeah, we really should start making this.
c - i know, wouldn't that be the best?
m - yes, in fact, it would.  let's start.
c - hmmm, ok, how about we spend our sundays making bread and soup for the whole week!
m - perfect, let's start.

and then, something happens.  mas goes out of town, or he gets back into town and we spend our sunday doing things around the city.  like buying slabs of wood for the making of tables.  or heading out to ikea ... again ... to buy more faux wood flooring because we've decided to rip out that gross carpet in the apartment after all.  or we spend it watching homeland, etc.  whatever it is we are doing, it simply is not planning meals and breads for the upcoming week.

but those days are over. it's a little bit because that last prairie boule we nabbed from the whole foods was a disappointment.  and its a lot because i am done with disappointing bread.  also, i've got the time.  so last week in an effort to use our williams sonoma cash back, or somethingoranother coupon that expired on the 29th, i went on a shopping spree.  enter this book.   it's fantastic.

and now, i've got my starter made and am well on my way to what i hope is the most delicious county loaves around.  because there really is nothing better than fresh bread.

side note : i'm really quite a fan of these chronicle cook books, plenty has gotten a lot of play in our house recently as well.


  1. i am horribble, horrible, HORRIBLE at making bread. as with everything else, sadly, i don't have the patience for it. luckily, we have fantastic bread bakeries within walking distance. and when all else fails, joe is quite great at the art.

  2. Oh, that is the BEST bread book, or at least, a favorite one. We've been baking sourdough from it and haven't bought bread for a long while (my husband works part time at a bakery so we do get bread & bagels from there on occasion, job perk). The brioche burger buns were amazing, as were the croissants. Basically, everything we've tried from that book, we love.
    I've also been really excited about making flatbread and dinners from Flatbreads and Flavors lately. When I made their pita breads this weekend I actually applauded at them ballooning up on the stove!
    Apparently, I get really excited about bread.

  3. @emily i'm in desperate need for good pita!!! thank you for that link ")

  4. I miss making bread regularly! My mom made it once a week when I was growing up (and yes, I was definitely jealous of people who had store bought bread for sandwiches) and then I took over once I was a teenager. But with just D and me, we don't go through enough to make it weekly and I fall out of the habit. Sad.

  5. living vicariously.

